Why should you incorporate your business?

Steve talks to Elisabeth Dawson about incorporating your business on her “Ways to Love Your Money” show.

Here are the advantages of incorporating your business

Limited Personal Liability

You can protect your personal assets from business-related lawsuits by incorporating your small business.

Personal Credit Score Protection

Incorporating your small business can protect against a personal lawsuit and protect your credit rating.

Raising Capital

Corporations can attract investors more easily than sole proprietorships or partnerships.

Tax Savings and Deductions

Incorporation may offer substantial tax advantages.

Ownership Flexibility

Corporations are generally much easier to sell and are usually more attractive to buyers than either a sole proprietorship or partnership.

Corporate Image

Perpetual Existence

By incorporating, a business may continue regardless of what happens to its shareholders, officers or directors.


A corporation can offer anonymity to its owners.

Bullet Proof

Your Business

How can we help you?

Are you ready to incorporate?

In short, we take risk out of risky business.

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