absolutely no fee until we win your case!
We serve accident victims in San Diego, Escondido, Oceanside, El Cajon, Poway, La Jolla, Del Mar, Chula Vista, and all other towns and cities in San Diego County and beyond
Even if you feel as if your own negligence may have played a factor, if you or a loved one has been injured in a theme park accident in San Diego, including amusement parks of all kinds, it is important to consult with a skilled San Diego personal injury attorney who will examine the details of your accident to determine whether or not negligence on the part of the theme park took place, as negligence is necessary to prove in any personal injury case.
Residents and visitors to San Diego are no strangers to amusement parks. San Diego is home to several famous amusement parks such as Legoland, Sea World, Belmont Park, San Diego Zoo, and San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Amusement parks are supposed to be places associated with fun and laughter. However, in the case of amusement parks, with such high levels of fun comes an increase in the potentiality of injury.
According to USA Today’s article “How Safe is a roller coaster?“, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that an estimated 37,154 people were injured seriously enough to be treated in hospital emergency rooms in 2011 from amusement rides and of those, 35,977 were released, and 1,177 were admitted to the hospital or died.” Injuries sustained at themes parks range from minor to major, but one characteristic is shared by them all. Theme park owners have a responsibility to accept accountability for all injuries that are sustained by park-goers. That said, theme park injury cases are often hard to try as there is an assumption of risk when you get on a ride – another reason it’s important to have an attorney on your side.
Getting to trial may take 1-2 years or more.
See the timeline here.
Here are 20 ways you can ruin your
chance of success in your case.
Contact our San Diego law firm for a free case evaluation today!
The value of your case depends on many factors. Every San Diego theme park accident case is different. One factor is the nature and extent of your injury. Some people heal faster than others. One person may heal in a week, while another may take six months, a year, or may never heal from the injury. Another factor is the amount of your medical bills, future medical bills and lost earnings, etc. Contact our office at (619) 444-2244 for accurate advice on the value of your case.
Our office works with a variety of doctors in the San Diego who can provide immediate medical treatment and defer payment until the case is finished.
You pay us only IF we recover compensation for you through a settlement with the insurance company or a verdict through the court. If we do not recover compensation for you, you do NOT have to pay us for our time.
This depends on the extent of your injury. Typically, a San Diego personal injury case takes anywhere from two to eight months. Sometimes, cases take longer if they are more complex or if a lawsuit is filed. See our personal injury lawsuit timeline page for all the details on how long your case may take.
Not necessarily. Sometimes you are far better off without filing a lawsuit. Our San Diego personal injury law office typically files a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company, if any. We then attempt to negotiate with the insurance company. If you are dissatisfied with the insurance company’s offer, we may decide to file a lawsuit.
Putting a monetary value to each of those is what theme park accident attorneys do for their clients, and then we fight hard to attain you what you deserve. As in all San Diego personal injury cases, you are up against a behemoth in the insurance company which does not have your best interests in mind. They goal is to pay you as little as possible, and you are at a disadvantage if you try to take them on yourself. There is no need. That’s what we are here for. Let us fight the battle.
Numbers have been rounded up to fit in allowable space. For actual numbers see our Case Results.
absolutely no fee until we win your case!
We serve accident victims in San Diego, Escondido, Oceanside, El Cajon, Poway, La Jolla, Del Mar, Chula Vista, and all other towns and cities in San Diego County and beyond
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If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, you may deserve compensation. Don’t go it alone. It’s very likely an attorney can get you more and get you fully compensated.
Request a free phone consultation now. Find out what your case is really worth! We will also send you our “20 ways you can ruin your case” PDF to print out and help you even more!