Remember, attorneys spend years in law school studying our complex legal system. And even after passing the bar exam, most first year lawyers are clueless as how to handle a litigation case.
Remember the old adage “a lawyer who represents himself has a fool as a client”? Other than small claims court, we strongly recommend against representing yourself.
Imagine you didn’t know the rules of chess and had a match against someone who had over ten years of experience playing the game. Think you’ve got a shot? Knowing the rules of court is much tougher than chess and analogous to speaking a difficult language.
To illustrate, pretend for a moment that you’ve been transported to Russia and you don’t speak Russian. Undoubtedly, you would face great difficulties attempting to survive.
Never forget: Attorneys spend years in law school studying our complex legal system. And even after passing the bar exam, most first year lawyers are clueless as how to handle a litigation case. Unless you are willing and able to spend years in a law library, you should hire an attorney for every legal case!